Monday, October 15, 2007

Junk Mail Diet

Opt Off of Unwanted Catalog Mail Lists....

courtesy of enviro group-sponsored new, free service, Catalog Choice. The goals: help consumers reduce the amount of unwanted mail they receive – and to ultimately reduce the waste of paper, natural resources, and the overflowing demand on municipal waste systems. Sponsoring organizations: National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council and the Ecology Center. Unlike other do-not-mail services, Catalog Choice is free.

Each year, 19 billion catalogs are mailed to U.S. consumers. The costs:
* 53 million trees
* 3.6 million tons on paper used
* 38 trillion BTUs of energy used, enough to power 1.2 million homes per year
* 5.2 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, equal to the annual emissions of two million cars
* 53 billion gallons of waste water discharges from this volume of paper, enough to fill 81,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools

To sign up for the service, visit